Adding rel=”noopener” to Sitecore

Some say target="_blank" is one of most underestimated vulnerabilities on the web. When you make a link to an external into a new tab or window, that site gets access to your site. If it’s a design flaw in browsers or something else is debatable, but luckily there is a simple fix for it by adding rel="noopener" to external links.

Update: The latest update of Sitecore 8.2 already have this implemented, so if you’re on the current version, you’re already covered and don’t need to bother about this. However, you need to be aware of the potential vulnerability to ensure any links not rendered by Sitecore fields are made correct as well.

Update 2: Many people have complained about the built-in implementation of this in later versions of Sitecore, and I’ve found a new problem in Sitecore 9. I’ve updated the code on github and made very brief testings of it. The new code disables the Sitecore built-in function for this and uses my solution instead. If you don’t want to build the solution yourself, you may just grab the Sitecore Package and install it.

How it works
When you have a link on a website that opens a new tab or window, like <a href="external.url" target="_blank">, the linked page gets access to the source page in the original tab through the window.opener property. This means an attacker could change the visible content, or even the url, of the source page. This could be used for phishing attacks etc. Here is an example of this in action.

To prevent this, we can add the rel="noopener" attribute to links, like <a href="external.url" target="_blank" rel="noopener">. This will makes the window.opener property null on the target site. If you’re opening windows using javascript, you’ll have to set the opener property to null manually, such as var; win.opener=null; win.location = url;.

Even if you’re linking legit website, you can’t be sure the target sites aren’t hacked and could leverage from this vulnerability. Besides, there are rarely a required need for external sites to access the DOM of your site, so always adding the noopener option rarely causes any trouble.

Solving it in Sitecore
Besides any static links, we can let Sitecore add the rel="noopener" attribute to all content author created links. We essentially have two kind of links: The Sitecore field types “General Link” and “General Link with Search”, and links within Rich Text fields. The General Link (with Search) field types can be fixed at render time and the content for Rich Text fields can be updated at save time.

We can extend the <renderField> pipeline by adding the the attribute to the render field parameters when rendering links that are external.

For rich text fields, it would be quite time consuming to do this runtime, so instead we can hook into the item:saving event of all rich text fields. By parsing the rich text with HtmlAgilityPack we can easily load all links and update the link attributes accordingly.

Sample code for solving this is available here:

Let me know what you think about this solution.

9 thoughts on “Adding rel=”noopener” to Sitecore

  1. I have just upgraded a site to Sitecore version 8.2 update 5.

    The new noopener feature in Sitecore is really unstable. It also appends rel=”noopener noreferrer” as test outside the A tag. It seems to happen if the HTML has some styling etc. Sitecore is really bad at inserting the noopener.

    • Oh, interesting. Perhaps I should make an 8.2 version of this module then that replaces the buggy one. Thanks for the input!

  2. Set the setting ProtectExternalLinksWithBlankTarget to false until Mikael releases a version that works. 🙂

    • I’ve slightly updated the module and made a few quick tests in 8.2u5. It disables the built-in function and uses mine instead. I also made a Sitecore package out of it, so you can just grab it on github or compile it yourself if you like to.

      • I’m also facing the same issue. Package is not available to download and showing 404 page. Can you please share the correct location/ link to download the package!

        • Thank you for notifying me about the broken link! I’ve updated it now. It’s a direct link to the zip-file in the github repo, so if I do update the package and forget to update the link, you may just grab the pre-compiled package from there.

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