Release Notes

November 2016 – released Sitecore Experience Platform 8.2 Update-1 (rev. 161115)

This is a product update. Sitecore recommends that you upgrade to this release if it includes fixes that meet the specific needs of your organization. If this release does not include new functionality or specific fixes that your organization requires, you may benefit from waiting to upgrade until Sitecore releases an update that is relevant for your organization. This is especially true in production environments.


Sitecore 8.2 update-1 supports a full Azure PaaS deployment and the release comes with out of the box support for:

  • Azure Web Apps for hosting your Sitecore site
  • Application Insights for health monitoring
  • Redis Cache for session state
  • Azure Search for search engine support
  • Azure SQL for databases

New features/improvements

Context Description Customer ticket ID (or other) TFS no.
Caching Sitecore now includes a new Session State Provider for Redis Cache, which adds to the already existing options of In-Memory, SQL Server, and MongoDB. This provider works with on-premise or Azure Redis Cache implementations.
Configuration The Port attribute is now taken into account when links are generated, enabling the configuration of environments with translation ports​​. 93672, 384752
Content Editor The Content Editor language selectornow contains the country reference. 95987, 433109
Content Editor Aliases are now supported for media items. 91259, 332149
Content Editor XHtml validation of HTML5 tags has been introduced. 92086, 353612
DataProvider MSSQL Azure SQL is now supported as a storage for Sitecore databases. 118635
Experience Analytics Because marketing definitions must be deployed for Experience Analytics to aggregate data and display reports, warning messages have been added to the log to ensure that you can see that marketing taxonomy definions have not been deployed. 123393
Experience Optimization You can now select several versions of the same page in a page test. 443279, 450913 80010
Experience Optimization It is now possible to select the language of a test page when you create a test in the Experience Optimization application. 466747, 457627, 470569, 464710, 464191 98532
Experience Profile The latest visitors list on the dashboard now dynamically loads contacts as you scroll. 438995, 438823, 441771, 449278, 460198, 462624, 467185, 478824 60021
Installation This release is the first Sitecore release to support deployment on Azure Web Apps. Deployment into Azure Web Apps is supported using the new pre-built Web Deploy packages and ARM templates.
Installation Support for Azure SQL, which can now be set up using DACPAC packages found in the Databases folder of a Sitecore installation.
List Manager Search performance has been improved by increasing the efficiency of retrieving the list count via the LINQ to SOLR provider. 119389
List Manager A new method has been added to export custom fields via CSV from the List Manager. 98840
List Manager Segmented Lists have been extended to show contacts with empty email addresses. 110294
List Manager The segmentation logic has been updated to improve the accuracy of Segmented List counts. 59582
List Manager UI messaging and logging when the List Manager csv fails to import has been added. 124629
MVC Rendering error handling has been improved and can be configured using custom IRendererErrorStrategy implementations​​ for handling errors. 88801
Path Analyzer Funnels have been added to favorites for a particular map and you can now see them on the Dashboard view. 103151
Platform Sitecore now includes support for Azure Application Insights. When you deploy Sitecore into Azure Web Apps using the new Web Deploy packages, this integration is enabled by default and immediately starts channeling all Sitecore logs and performance counters into Application Insights.
Sitecore Services Client Sitecore Services OData controllers now support read/write. 121662
Sitecore Services Client EDM configuration has been simplified with an extendable fluid EDM builder API. 121663
Sitecore.ContentSearch Sitecore now ships with a search provider for Azure Search which can be used with Content Search and Contact Segmentation Indexes. This adds to the existing search engine options of Lucene, Solr, and Coveo. When deploying into Azure using the new Web Deploy packages, the Azure Search provider is activated by default.
SPEAK The ListControl DetailView column definition now supports the EmptyText property, which defines the text to show when the corresponding field in a row has no value. 125649
Update Installation wizard Update Installation Wizard was significantly improved. Following features were introduced:1) Ability to update files and items independently2) Auto-upgrade of the configuration. During the upgrade the custom configuration would be detected and moved to individual include files. The Sitecore configuration would be automatically updated.3) Ability to modify created include files with custom configuration during update4) Upgrade installation performance was dramatically improved. 96792, 452215
Workflows Workflow comments are now supported on the Submit Selected and Submit All dialogs. 91794, 345263

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

Context Description Customer ticket ID (or other) TFS no.
API The Item.DisplayName properties call the dbo.aspnet_Users table in the Core database. ​109832
API The anchor and query in the link to the page are in the incorrect order. 96095, 435422
API The wrong number of users is shown when you log in with a boosted license. 96971, 455433
API Using Text.Translate during Sitecore initialization slows down the Sitecore load. 117129
API During initialization, Sitecore loads the country culture associated with the User Profile and this affects performance negatively.​ 117116
API The RemoveVersions method for a DataProvider class throws an exception when null is returned by calling the GetItemVersions method from the custom data provider. ​95894, 431369
Caching The DeviceItemCache and RuleCache item:saved:remote handlers force newly saved items to be loaded unnecessarily. 96472, 443280
Caching The Caching enabled setting doesn't work. 92931, 372655
Caching The ContentSearchManager.Locator getter does not seem to be thread safe. 95460, 423098
Content Editor The icon and item displayname are always editable. 89955, 305870
Content Editor Control-click calls the browser context menu instead of the Sitecore menu. 108411
Content Editor Data is lost when you save from the Name Value list. 115027
Content Editor Item write access is required to render the Content Editor gutters. 117525
Content Editor The UIUtil.GetApplicationFromShortcut method cannot work with links that are inserted using Internal Link dialog. 93306, 378169
Content Editor Line breaks disappear for multiline text fields. 93260, 377374
Content Editor The Notification Manager stores the wrong value for item clones. 119386
Content Editor The __Source Item field validator and the __Source field validator throw an exception when validating an item that has with no current language versionspecified. 116595
Content Editor ​The red bar does not appear to the left of fields being validated. 96721, 450684
Content Editor ​WebDAV INFO messages still are being written to the logs even when the WebDAV.Enabled setting is set to false. 118232
Experience Analytics Translation: Resources in the App_GlobalResources Website folder cause issues in the display of country-releated reports in Experience Analytics. 452108, 450552, 471459 82101
Experience Analytics Translation: Country labels are not translated correctly. 113998
Experience Analytics A dimension with a specific page filter "Where the specifc page has been visisted within the current visit" throws exception during aggregation. 123660
Experience Analytics Azure Web Apps support: reaggregation failed due to two running completion agents , on a distributed environment using Redis Cache as the session state provider. 126412
Experience Analytics There are duplicate experienceAnalytics/aggregation nodes on the showconfig.aspx page.
Experience Analytics Translation: On unavailable Device models reports, the Unavailable label is not translated. 114007
Experience Editor Saving changes causes a Null reference exception when the Enforce Version Presence feature is enabled on an item. 464427, 460841, 465311 107453
Experience Editor You cannot select Associated Content if the datasource for the rendering is invalid. 470254, 452083, 451642 78356
Experience Editor The drop-down list of items in the Navigation bar has no scroll bar. 462895, 457068, 465073, 459683, 465512, 456607, 458225, 456829, 468130, 455682, 468710 85083
Experience Editor The Experience Editor incorrectly resolves the context site after switching languages in a multi-site environment. 466285, 456630, 466386, 454965 86006
Experience Editor TheInsert link dialog does not open if there is a & charachterin the querystring of the General Link field. 469788, 458698, 461291, 471609, 466528, 457304, 456531, 469937, 466371, 464701, 469218, 463172 87963
Experience Editor The hardcoded WEB database definition in the GetControlState method causes an exception if the configuration of the database is absent. 458194, 468983, 471657, 457817, 458380 98798
Experience Editor The workflow state does not change if there are unsaved changes in a document. 463056 110367
Experience Editor The unnecessary popup, "are you sure you want to leave", appears after you save an item after you have changed the workflow state. 463056 110373
Experience Editor A NullReferenceException happens in the Experience Editor if certain security permissions are set up for the placeholder settings. 462825 110924
Experience Editor On MVC sites, Explore mode always redirects to the Home page in the Experience Editor instead of the current page. 116644
Experience Editor It is impossible to edit or design pages in the Experience Editor after you return from Explore mode on MVC-enabled sites. 117587
Experience Editor On certain multisite configurations, the Experience Editor throws an error when changing the preview date. 470756 126488
Experience Optimization Content Testing causes an exception in the Experience Editor ribbon if the enforceVersionPresence attribute is set to true. 462255, 462769, 462222, 463285 108311
Experience Optimization Multiple changes are needed to improve multi-language support. 453814, 454423, 456640, 460479, 458772, 458774, 462058, 456392, 456580, 459893, 471524, 467509, 456655 83387, 88040, 97183, 98206, 98225
Experience Optimization An internal server error appears after you open the Page Level test dialog several times. 470378, 470508 126066
Experience Profile The An error has occurred message appears when searching for contacts that do not have visits registered in the Experience Profile​​. 74085
Federated Experience Manager (FXM) ​FXM handles the "for in" constructions in javascript incorrectly. 464329 121398
Federated Experience Manager (FXM) FXM ignores the external site's port number 451473, 452447,457448 77976, 452447,457448
Federated Experience Manager (FXM) Unwanted JavaScript code can be executed in the FXM application. 453145 80141
Federated Experience Manager (FXM) A placeholder with the position property set to after is not rendered on an external site if the element is the last child of its parent node. 452459 81791
Federated Experience Manager (FXM) FXM loads external site scripts several times when you insert multiple placeholders. 452898 83803
Federated Experience Manager (FXM) FXM cannot track page visits if the external site URL contains 'page' or 'url' in the query string parameters. 459074 101816
Federated Experience Manager (FXM) Links on an external site always lead to the home page when opening an external ssl-only site in the Experience Editor. 461053 105842
Federated Experience Manager (FXM) FXM does not properly process domain matcher rules if they contain a rule without any conditions. 461650 108264
Federated Experience Manager (FXM) Installing EXM 3.3 breaks the FXM application. 468467, 468611, 465092, 468611 119569
Federated Experience Manager (FXM) Javascript errors appear in FXM when you add a placeholder to some single-page application sites. 464329 121398
Installation Installing a template where the Shared setting has been modified can cause database corruption. 90254, 310642
Installation You cannot install a package if it contains an item that has a query string as its source property. 119608
Item buckets The Save dialog box appears when you add several bucketable items to a bucket. 104178, 125313, 119704
Item buckets There is unexpected behavior when you add an item to an existing bucket node. 119704
Item Buckets Content Search Sitecore displays a connection error during loading if the Solr server is not available. 94024, 391039
Item Buckets Content Search ​The BaseAsynchronousStrategy retrieves a value by using its key instead of enumerating the entire sequence.​ 97025, 456221
Item Buckets Content Search The search index only uses the first crawler that is assigned to it and ignores any other crawlers. 108165
Item Buckets Content Search Language Fallback can cause incorrect field values to be indexed when the index is rebuilt. 104145
Item Buckets Content Search Content languages can affect the OnPublishEndAsync indexing strategy. 107730
Item Buckets Content Search Sometimes the index is not updated when shared fields are changed. 107856
Item Buckets Content Search Indexes are not updated after an item is restored from the Recycle Bin. 116165
Item Buckets Content Search Strategies can flood the IndexPropertyStore with last_updated_timestamp requests. 117459
Item Buckets Content Search Reindexing consumes too many resources in some cases. 109719
Language fallback Wrong field value is resolved when using fallback fields and unclone functionality. 99542
Language fallback Installing a package creates item versions for all fallback languages. 103362
Language fallback Language fallback creates unnecessary language versions using Copy to and Duplicate options for items not in the initial workflow state. 107642
Language fallback Installing a Sitecore Package with a version in the fallback language creates unnecessary duplicated versions. 109464
Language fallback The Unlock and UnlockAll commands create new item versions. 120257
Language fallback The wrong field value is resolved when you use the language fallback and unclone functionality. 99542
Language fallback The fallback label for fields is displayed if you enable field-level fallback and there are no values. 104047
Language fallback The final layout does not have a language fallback field. 105306
Language fallback The dictionary entry shows the incorrect translated values for items with Language Fallback enabled. 106268
Language fallback ​Token replacement does not work for languages with Language Fallback enabled. 116885
Layouts & renderings Delta xml layouts can cause an incorrect sublayout order. 95158, 414405
Layouts & renderings The Copy To dialog ignores the item language when you copy the final layout. 107731
Layouts & renderings There is an incorrect Help link in the Schedule template. 114617
Layouts & renderings The attributes in the FieldRenderer control are not used during item rendering. 90242, 310360
Links The Broken Links report leads to the wrong item version when you click the item link. 92609, 366084
Links An extra slash in the rootPath parameter of the site definition can cause an error. 94471, 399016
Links There are excessive operations in theSqlServerLinkDatabase.BatchCompact method. 105831
List Manager When you log in as an admin user, the My lists page doesn't display the lists that you have created. 43365
List Manager In the Import wizard, you can click on the tab header and skip to the next step without mapping import fields. 114120
List Manager You can cause security issues by replacing a list owner with a non-Sitecore user. 114055
List Manager The identification level is not set for contacts that are imported using the List Manager. 84176
List Manager A list can be moved outside the All lists folder by changing the Destination property. 1140565
List Manager Search fields aren't limited by max length. 114062
List Manager The Create and add new contact form allows you to upload contacts with all unlimited size of email, last and first name, leading to hanging of list processing. 114060
List Manager The Create and add new contact form allows you to upload contacts with without filling in any of the fields, potentially leading to securtity issues. 114059
List Manager The List Manager Task Page sends two identical HTTP requests to get contacts and this impacts performance. 74285
Login Users can log in to Sitecore with spaces at the end of their user name. 90599, 318159
Login The Login.DisableAutoComplete setting is not considered when the the Login pageis initialized. 119950
Login ​The User.RuntimeSettings setting of a Virtual User conflicts with the custom data in the FormsAuthenticationTicket.UserData​ setting. 107294
Media Unnecessary database calls cause the GetMediaURL method to be overwritten. 95048, 410427
Media The Keep Aspect Ratio is disabled in the Image Properties dialog. 110496
Media The Download file name is garbled when it contains non-ASCII characters. 96081, 435277
Miscellaneous A nolayout page is returned instead of the noaccess page. 90940, 325160
Miscellaneous There is no text available for the unlock command for non-English languages. 119818
Miscellaneous Multilist paging and search generates a non-RFC 1738 compliant URL. 104367
Miscellaneous The Update Installation wizard throws an exceptionin some cases. 115007
Miscellaneous The Item owner is always sitecore\admin. 129833
Miscellaneous HTML entities in RSSare broken in some browsers. 92190, 355852
Miscellaneous ​There is a MainUtil.SendMail resource leak​. 102608
Miscellaneous ​The Business name value is used instead of the Contact name in web form reports​. 75908
Multibrowser fixes Sitecore breaks Internet Explorer's implementation of streaming mp4 videos with HTML5 95191, 415156
Multibrowser fixes The Browser console is flooded with errors. 120395
MVC The Layout file path is not resolved correctly. 452136, 455540, 451632 96789
MVC External aliases do not work. 455672, 455557, 456466, 457985, 459142, 459484, 462932, 463476, 463992, 464437, 464679, 467090, 471534, 472142 96995
MVC The default MVC Layout file doesn't contain XML schema information. 105581
MVC Sitecore MVC IAssemblyResolver resolves too many assemblies. 109276
MVC Rendering statistics are not collected for pages that use MVC. 94421, 398176
Path Analyzer No contacts are displayed when the Group map data setting is enabled. 122558
Path Analyzer The Download as CSV function causes issues with the Radial view, and this causes an Error message to be displayed. 119848
Path Analyzer Log files contain WARN messages for the CD role in a distributed environment. 117453
Path Analyzer Enabling GenericCache for Tree Map views causes tree requests to load slowly. 115145
Path Analyzer The Help icon next to a funnel name does not open the Help dialog from the Funnels tab. 117820
Path Analyzer Processors in the Processor DeletePathAnalyzerItems (used in the pipeline UIDeleteItems) execute with an exception in the log. 122304
Path Analyzer Maps are double-grouped due to a cache error. 123741
Path Analyzer Help pages in non-Ennglish languages are blank. 122307
Path Analyzer The help page is blank if requested by an anonymous user. 116121
Path Analyzer Outcome names are not resolved from the corresponding outcome definitions (using the default node name resolution setting). 117436
Path Analyzer The context pane closes on an empty area click. 125316
Path Analyzer TheBar Chart tooltip always shows a template unavailable notification. 124458
Path Analyzer The root node of Reverse Goal maps are incorrectly renamed to Internet when the Group map data setting is enabled. 118082
Path Analyzer The Context Pane does not scroll within its tabs. 113984
Path Analyzer The cursor displays incorrectly when you hover over thecheckboxes on the Settings screen. 123742
Path Analyzer The Create your first funnel button does not indicate that a new window will appear. 116695
Path Analyzer TheTable layout rendering is slow to display when large 3.5K path datasets are used (Experience Map with Goals). 113636
Path Analyzer The Path Analyzer UI and Help texts do not fully support German(Tier-1 language). 115124
Pipelines The Authentication.SaveRawUrl setting does not work for media requests. 92159, 355047
Pipelines The ItemResolver processor in the HttpRequestBegin pipeline returns different results for the same item. 95203, 415304
Pipelines The SiteResolver class fetches the wrong website for regional domains. 92699, 368324
Pipelines ​The SiteResolver class does not work with wildcard characters in the hostName attribute of a site section​. 94338, 396181
Pipelines ​Checkbox values get erased when you navigate from an item with unsaved changes​. 107694
Platform ​The Media Browser only shows the selected imagerather than all images, which is required to​ enable the user to change an image when opening an image field that is populated. 414946 82830
Rich Text Editor The Edit Html feature does not workin some cases. 93614, 383922
Rich Text Editor You cannot add CSS classes to the image property dialog. 95547, 425160
Rich Text Editor The Insert Bucket Link button in the Rich Text Editor doesn't work. 107388
Security API There is an error on the Launchpad when you log out after using the Search field in the User Manager. 96679, 449798
Security API There are security vulnerabilities. 109420, 110904
Serialization ​The is an item serialization exception when the full item path ({database name}/{item path}) length is 150 or more. 90479, 315522
Sitecore Services Client EDM configuration has been simplified with an extendable fluid EDM builder API. 121663
Sitecore Services Client The desc attributes are missing on assembly filter nodes. 125207
Social Connected When you post a manual message, the server returns a 500 error. 117922
Solr Search limits results by the _language filter query when the client language differs from the default language. 95597, 426036
Solr Fallback versions are not indexed when Language Fallback is enabled. 118246
Solr The Solr ingtegration is unstable if the connection to Solr is unavailable during Sitecore initialization. 121040
Solr ​Searching using quotations does not work as expected​. 121328
SPEAK The Message control fails to provide tooltips for messages, making it difficult to read very long messages. 122877
SPEAK SPEAK fails to resolve the "Target" value of an "internal link" field in the Content Editor dialog, which results in Sitecore ignoring the value provided by the user. 406359 115278
SPEAK The SPEAK components CSS file contains an inappropriate reference to CSS maps, which raises a JavaScript error when you open the Publish wizard. 116755
SPEAK The ListControl raises an error if a date column attempts to display a row with a null value for the date. 117813
SPEAK The MessageBar does not sort messages by type. 113796
SPEAK The Line chart fails to show values on the X-axis if the chart displays only a single value. 121466
SPEAK The DialogHeader.Title wraps long text strings even when there is enough space for the text. 114112
SPEAK An authenticated user does not get redirected to the login page when the session expires. 469304 124934
SPEAK The Uploader API returns a successful status code, even when upload fails. 124625
SPEAK The ActionControl does not open when displayed in Internet Explorer 11. 101684
SPEAK applications The Select Sitecore Item dialog doesn’t select an item based on the Internal Link field value. 94623, 401636
SPEAK applications The Insert Internal Link dialog does not allow you to specify the attributes for the link. 94908, 407189
SPEAK applications The SPEAK Insert link dialog doesn't preselect the item if the source is specified. 95226, 415686
SPEAK applications The Insert Link dialog from the General Link field shows an empty window target. 95434, 422229
SPEAK applications The Target attribute in the General Link field isn't preselected. 96379, 441249
SPEAK applications The SPEAK Insert Link dialog does not respect the content language. 96423, 442383
Update Installation wizard The Process.bat file has a virtual drive as the source path. 95276, 417237
Update Installation wizard The Update Installation wizard does not show the real source of the error when a package contains two items with same IDs. 123970
Update Installation wizard The following error appears in the log file during an upgrade: "...Could not load file or assembly 'MethodTimer, Version=". 115074
Workbox ​The Diff dialog in the Workbox ignores the Field Read access right​s. 102007
Workflows Workflow commands in the gutter are executable even if the item is locked by another user. 116178